Here you can find information about upcoming and previous talks, conference presentations and seminars by members of the lab. We also hold regular meetings for the Experimental Linguistics Forum, which are detailed below.
Experimental Linguistics Forum
The Experimental Linguistics Forum meets regularly online (Zoom) to discuss topics related to experimental linguistics. Please get in touch if you’d like to join our online reading group:
Reading Group
General introduction
Ramón-Casas, M. et al. (2023). Connecting perception and production in early Catalan– Spanish bilingual children: language dominance and quality of input effects – presented by Madlen Jones
Lieberman, A. &Borovsky, A. (2020). Lexical Recognition in Deaf Children Learning American Sign Language: Activation of Semantic and Phonological Features of Signs – presented by Elliot Bush
Lab Meetings 2024/25
Questions on power analysis – presented by Farida Soliman
Capturing divergent learning trajectories of neutralization: Interaction of lexical competition and phonological learning – Oral presentation for the Annual Meeting on Phonology (AMP) 2024– presented by Sora Heng Yin
ElectroEncephaloGraphy (EEG) workshop 11/2023
A three session workshop on EEG will be held for UG students on Wednesday 15th, 22nd and 29th of November. This workshop will be centered on hands-on practice using an EEG system in the laboratory. This experience will help students understand how the equipment is used, how experiments involving EEG are designed and run, and how EEG data is analysed.
In preparation for the workshop, or for an introduction to EEG more generally, the introduction chapters of the following free online courses are recommended:
– (by Steven J. Luck et al. at UC Davis)
– (by Aaron J. Newman at Dalhousie University)

Experimental Linguistics Forum
The Experimental Linguistics Forum meets regularly online (Zoom) to discuss topics related to experimental linguistics. This year PhD students will be selecting core papers in their subject area. Please get in touch if you’d like to join our online reading group:
Reading Group
Hudson Kam, C. L. (2015). The impact of conditioning variables on the acquisition of variation in adult and child learners – presented by Tom Packer-Stucki
Darcy, I., & Krüger, F. (2012). Vowel perception and production in Turkish children acquiring L2 German – presented by Madlen Jones
Zondervan, A., Meroni, L., & Gualmini, A. (2008). Experiments on the Role of the Question Under Discussion for Ambiguity Resolution and Implicature Computation in Adults – presented by Yunzhu Chen
Haitong, P., & Chulkina, N.L. (2021). National images of the world: verbal and visual components of the linguistic consciousness of the chinese and russians (on the example of the concept “holiday”) – presented by Yuhua (Ben) Peng
Schmid, M.S. & Karayayla, T. (2019), The Roles of Age, Attitude, and Use in First Language Development and Attrition of Turkish-English Bilinguals – presented by Emrullah Dagtan
Suhail, M. & Alec, M. (2022), Models of processing complex spoken words: the naïve, the passive, and the predictive – presented by Farida Soliman
Nicenboim, B. & Vasishth, S. (2016), Statistical methods for linguistic research: Foundational Ideas—Part II – presented by Swarnendu Moitra
Ćwiek, A. et al. (2021)- The bouba/kiki effect is robust across cultures and writing systems – presented by Scott Kunkel
Lab Meetings
General introduction
Experimental Investigations into Number features – presented by Jane Middleton & Swarnendu Moitra
Morphophonological alternations modulate early and automatic decomposition mechanisms in the visual word form area: MEG evidence from Tagalog prefixation – Poster for the Society for the Neurobiology of Language 15th Annual Meeting – presented by Dave Kenneth Cayado
Syntactic vs. semantic computation in posterior temporal lobe: an MEG study on Bangla nominal prefixes – Poster for the Society for the Neurobiology of Language 15th Annual Meeting – presented by Swarnendu Moitra
Preregistration experience – presented by Farida Soliman
Mobility and perceptual adaptation among French speakers – presented by Scott Kunkel
Gradient effect of homophony avoidance in phonological learning – presented by Sora Heng Yin
An experimental approach to how gender and language in Egyptian online recruitment affect applicants’ ascribed job seeking behaviours and recruiters’ hiring attitudes? – Poster for the Society for Personality and Social Psychology’s Annual Convention (SPSP 2024) – presented by Farida Soliman
Listening effort across non-native and regional accents:
A pupillometry study – Oral presentation for the Colloquium of the British Association of Academic Phoneticians (2024) – presented by Scott Kunkel
Stress deafness in Singapore English – presented by Adam Chong
Collecting and analysing language background information for Sylheti-English bilingual children – presented by Madlen Jones