
Kathleen McCarthy
Lab DirectorEarly phonological acquisition, speech perception and production, early reading acquisition, bilingualism, acoustic-phonetics

Rémi Lamarque
Lab Manager
Adam Chong
Phonological acquisition and processing, prosody and intonational phonology, speech perception

Sophie Holmes-Elliott
Developmental sociolinguistics, acquisition of variation, incrementation of language change, gendered language development, sociophonetics

Devyani Sharma
Sociolinguistics, bilingualism, English dialects, language change, accent variation

Gwen Brekelmans
QMUL Psychology
Jenny Cheshire
Sociolinguistics: Language Variation and Change, Language Contact, Conversational Narrative, Spoken Language: Syntactic and Discourse Struct

Elisa Passoni
Postdoc on Generations of London English grant, Child Strand
Thomas Packer-Stucki
PhD Student
Madlen Jones
PhD Student
Ortega Sinclair
1+3 PhD student
Sergio Rojo
PhD Student at the university of LundAccent perception development in childhood, development of social stereotypes

Denise Amankwah
Research Assistant and PhD student at Essex UniversityChild language development, multilingualism in schools, heritage language maintenance, language hierarchy, colonial language ideologies

Tasfia Chowdhury
Research AssistantMultilingualism, education and teaching

Sam Kirkham
Acoustic and articulatory phonetics, sociophonetics, bilingualism, vocal tract imaging

Katrin Skoruppa
Language learning, language disorders, phonological acquisition, hearing impairment, multilingualism

Paul Iverson
Plasticity for speech perception, accent processing, language learning, music perception

Linnaea Stockall
Morpho-syntax, morpho-semantics

Laura Dawson
Specialist Speech & Language TherapistSLT Consultancy

Nurull Islam
Mile End Community Project

Tower Hamlets Education Partnership

Mile End Community Project

SLT Consultancy

Shivonne Gates
Adolescent language and standard language ideology, language and ethnicity in the UK, stylistic variation and sociophonetics

Beth Gibbs
UG Project Student
Keren Rubner
MSc Project Student
Rosie Oxbury
PhD StudentSociophonetics, language variation and change, speech production, bilingualism, dialect acquisition, vowels & diphthongs

Jamie Roberts
MSc SLT Project Student (UCL)Phonetics, phonology, developmental disorders of language